Monday, November 3, 2014

November Writing

This year as a K team we decided that we wanted to include more writing in our homework.  We started off by sending home additional handwriting pages for students to practice. Now that we have finished all of the letters we have moved into journal prompts.  In class students free write about what ever they want but we still wanted a way for them to respond to different prompts.  So I created a packet of different prompts that we can send home. We send home about 2-3 prompts a week. Before sending home the writing prompts we sent a letter to parents showing them the most effective ways to foster writing at home.  You can get that letter here for FREE!!!  It is awesome to see what they come up with in response to some of the prompts.  You can get these prompts on my TpT site here.

During Work on Writing I also give them a prompt but not in sentence form.  For each month I create a different set of themed sentence starters that students can use to write about.  Recently I have found that they enjoy coloring them more writing stories so I have started requiring them to turn them into me before they can take them home.  You can get my November story starters on my TpT site here.

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