Thursday, January 16, 2014

Carnival of Animals, Elephants

So it looks like mother nature is not on our side and we wont be getting all of the animals done in two weeks. We are going to have to cut out a few animals in order to get everything done we need to.

Our next animals from the Carnival of Animals that we are going to look at is the Elephant. Again we are going to read another Pebble Plus book about Elephants. I love these books they are perfect for kindergartners and have loads of resources at the back for those who want to learn more.

When we are done reading we will create a tree map and write a class book.  This class really likes class books. I bind them and add them to our class library, they are always the first ones picked when we change our books for Daily 5.

We will also read Elmer by David McKee (Don't have the book you can watch it here on youtube). After reading we discussed the books using text dependent questions.

As a crafty project we created patchwork elephants. Students covered a predrawn elephant with squares of brightly colored tissue paper.  They then cut out the elephant and glued him on to a larger piece of construction paper that they drew the setting on.  These were so cute and such a great addition to my classroom during this cold and gray weather.

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